How to breakthrough your limiting belief that is stopping you from achieving your goals

Without being over-stress of yourself, without spending 5-6 figures or reading a mountain of books

Hear from our Trainer 🔊

Masterclass (LIVE) Details:

12 March 2025, Wednesday

7.30pm to 10pm

The Mind Synergy

1 Irving Place, #05-03 The Commerze@Irving

Singapore 369546

Nearest MRT station: Tai Seng (CC11)

Take Exit A

Register for the Workshop Below

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Get your Free Analysis hardcopy on your leadership and communication Style.

(the same formula that TMS Students & clients Have

been applying )


A 5 Steps Framework

Step by step approach to design your environment to Achieve Your Desired Results.

(even if you did not plan goals before or unsure what is your future direction)


Understanding how your mind is wired up, and how to reprogram it for maximum results

(with different kinds of tools and techniques to maximise your mind and unleash its fullest potential)

More Exclusive Secrets to be Revealed in the Workshop


Someone who:

  • wants to find purpose in life

  • feels lost, and wants clarity in life

  • wants to learn self-help tools and skills

  • would like to help those around them

  • wants to help others, while earning a side income at the same time

  • wants to find fulfilment in life

  • wants to improve their confidence

  • wants to improve on their communication skills

  • wants to improve their relationships with family members and friends

  • is looking for a mid-career switch

  • is looking to join the Adult Training Industry

Your Current Role:

  • A young person (millennial) who wants to plan and live life to the fullest, and retire early so that you can enjoy the time you have

  • A sport coach who wants your players to learn better emotional control skills

  • A corporate leader who wants to lead and manage your employees effectively

  • A parent who wants to communicate better with your kid(s)

  • A teacher who wants to connect better with your students

  • A salesperson who wants to improve your sales figures

  • A practising coach who wants to learn advanced coaching skills


More Exclusive Secrets to be Revealed in the Workshop


Mag Yeo 48,


*Students do not wish to disclose their photo

The passion of coach george is unparalleled. Great trainer with a heart of gold. More people should learn this art from him. And the world will be a better place. When john Lennon wrote the song ‘imagine’, it appears as a prediction of what george is contributing to mankind. Keep up the great work and hope our paths can fuse. Being the circuit breaker to finally understand the last frontier in the anatomy of our mind.

The course is enriching and fulfilling. I would love to apply all the NLP technqiues learnt to my career when dealings with certain work activities.

Pei Ling 40,

Civil Servant

*Students do not wish to disclose their photo

The course is enriching and fulfilling. I would love to apply all the NLP techniques learnt to my career when dealings with certain work activities.

Veronica 44,

Marketing Director

*Students do not wish to disclose their photo

I took up this NLP course because I have a passion to be career coach which will bring meaning and clarity into people's life. This course has helped me to kickstart my journey to be an even better career coach. I found my first client even before the course ended!

More of what our students say...

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By TheMindSynergy Pte Ltd,

1 Irving Place, Commerze@Irving #05-03, Singapore 369546

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